I went to dinner alone, if only to prove to myself that I could navigate a restaurant, in Chinese, all by myself. I was successful, largely, even if it took me a bit to realize that the waitress was asking whether I wanted rice (I actually didn't realize what she'd asked until she'd gone, but I had, fortunately, indicated 'no' anyhow). I was more temerarious in ordering than I was at lunch, and simply said "zhei ge" and pointed at some chicken dish. It was very la4 (spicy), but also delicious. The other major elements, besides fried chicken and red peppers, were two sorts of mushroom, little golden ones and larger white ones. It, plus Sprite, came to 29 yuan, or about $4.50. The Light allocates approx. 60 kuai (ie $10) per diem for food, so I, at 46 (lunch, dinner, and an afternoon Sprite) did okay.
Now for studying, Chinese TV, and sleeping.
Oh, and N.B. kuai = yuan = RMB. It's all the same thing.